Financial compliance for financial services

Financial services

Financial compliance with complete peace of mind

Financial institutions require reliable technology to help them with their regulatory and reporting requirements across all of their business departments. Finance compliance regulations imply navigating a complex, dynamic landscape of ever-evolving directives. The most effective approach is to leverage advanced monitoring and reporting tools on a unified compliance orchestration platform.

Build your customised compliance journey with Harmoney

Harmoney is the leading end-to-end compliance orchestrator for financial institutions. This entails fully digital and automated continuous compliance, which in turn leads to reduced workloads, increased data accuracy and full adherence to current regulations in every jurisdiction. Our financial compliance engine enables your compliance team to manage, monitor and enforce your custom compliance policies and scenarios using fully customisable risk models, Know Your Customer (KYC) and Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) scenarios and more. This way, your organisation can remain fully compliant through all stages of your customer lifecycle.

Full financial compliance across every department with Harmoney

Built-in domain expertise

Our AI-assisted compliance model embeds deep compliance knowledge into the core of the compliance Harmoney platform, far outperforming classic Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology in intelligence and reuse of data.

Automated risk grading

Perform multiple Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and AML screenings in real time and rely on automated risk grading of individual customers and all corporate stakeholders.

Security by design

Harmoney is ISO 27001-certified and built on top of globally deployed, secure software technologies, ensuring complete GDPR compliance for you and your service providers.

Always up-to-date

Harmoney automatically incorporates the most recent regulatory requirements for all jurisdictions and adjusts workflows accordingly.

Anticipate complexity in financial compliance regulations

Amidst an increasingly demanding regulatory framework – including the EU-mandated DORA regulations and the overarching NIS directive – , financial service players have to adapt to the intricate complexities. Non-compliance can not only lead to penalties, but also affect your day-to-day operational efficiency and IT security. Regulatory technology challenges in financial compliance are real – and that’s why Harmoney is here to help you regain control and create added value for your clients.

Combining compliance and internal risk management

Using a platform approach for financial compliance, you can improve your Know Your Client (KYC) and Anti Money-Laundering (AML) practices on two levels. Identify your end customers, verify their identity and risk profile, and make sure you’re aware of their circumstances at all times, while maintaining a transparent record of all events for all compliance and regulatory purposes. At the same time, using our Harmoney platform approach helps you improve your internal organisational risk management.

Our fully automated document verification processes are more in-depth than classic manual checks and work in sync with your existing tools and systems. Any anomalies, discrepancies or data quality issues are either flagged immediately or simply disallowed into your database of records. You can also tailor your AML and KYC processes to comply with your internal risk matrix, allowing you to create your own workflows based on the risk level of your respective clients.

Modular approach to full compliance for financial players

The Harmoney platform is unique in its modularity. Combining an open architecture with artificial intelligence and other best-in-class technology, financial institutions can select the modules they need to be fully compliant with their business model and operations. Examples of modules include automated data enrichment, digital signatures, automated and continuous AML screening and ID verification. Modules can be used on their own or in combination with others, so organisations can grow their compliance platform as they see fit.


Identification and validation


Automated data and document enrichment


UBO verification and confirmation


Document validation and fraud detection


Digital signing


AML, PEP, sanction, embargo and adverse media screening


Comprehensive risk scoring engine


Case management and continuous risk monitoring


Transaction monitoring


Mifid, IDD, and ESG profiling for investments and insurance


Client outreach


Reporting and analytics

Harmoney for every financial service sector

Investment funds

Unleash your fund's potential. Make your ManCo’s compliance processes more efficient and scalable.

Learn more Harmoney EN

Wealth management organisations

Elevate your client relationships and deliver faster onboarding and regulatory compliance for wealth management.

Learn more Harmoney EN


Boost your efficiency, thanks to automated KYC flows and robust sales channel support.

Learn more Harmoney EN

Corporate banking

Transform your customer due diligence with Harmoney’s comprehensive compliance and streamlined relationship management flows.

Learn more Harmoney EN